Procedural standards

Procedural standards and guidelines are available as general frameworks and guides to good practice for museums. The resources in this section have been selected because they deal with (or include sections on) procedures for collections documentation and management. Museums can use these as a basis to build their own, institution-specific procedures and practices for accessioning, numbering systems, inventories, image management, location control, loans processing, intellectual property management, etc.

CHIN has developed an online course which deals with collections management procedures, documentation, and data cleaning

Many of the provincial Museums Associations have developed standards or guidelines for museum practice, many of which include advice on collections management and documentation.

There are also guidelines and standards that have been developed within other countries that may be useful to Canadian museums.

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This resource was published by the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). For comments or questions regarding this content, please contact CHIN directly. To find other online resources for museum professionals, visit the CHIN homepage or the Museology and conservation topic page on