Prestige evaluation and consulting services

Consultation appointments are scheduled to discuss all behaviors of concern and the scope of services needed. In the instance that previous psychological and/or psychoeducational evaluations have been conducted in the private sector or public school system, guidance can be provided with regard to the next steps, recommendations, second opinions, and insight into what can reasonably be expected to be implemented in the educational setting. Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs), Individual Education Plans (IEPs), 504 Accommodation Plans, and any other service, program, or personal concerns you may have relating to the educational and emotional/behavioral growth and development of your child can be discussed, or addressed, through consultation.
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Psychoeducational Evaluation

A Psychoeducational Evaluation seeks to identify specific learning competencies in the areas of reading, written language, mathematics, and oral language. The impact of social and emotional factors is taken into consideration and may lead to a recommendation for additional assessment or alteration of the initial assessment plan. The assessment plan is individualized and dependent upon the presenting concerns. Psychoeducational evaluations also include an assessment of cognitive abilities.

Dyslexia Evaluation

A dyslexia evaluation seeks to identify whether or not an individual possess deficits in phonological processing (phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming) and the application of phonics to the decoding of words for reading and the encoding of words for spelling. Measures of reading accuracy, fluency, efficiency, and comprehension are administered, along with measures of isolated and contextual spelling.

School Readiness Assessment

A targeted assessment for children, ranging from four to six years of age, is offered in an effort to assist parents with obtaining information related to their child’s readiness for entrance into kindergarten or first grade. Depending upon parent concerns, assessment observations, and additional information provided, recommendations may be made for additional testing.

Psychological Evaluation

Psychological evaluations seek to identify whether or not an individual has challenges related to anxiety, depression, impulse control, and other conditions manifesting in disturbances of mood and behavior, including, but not limited to, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Adjustment Disorders, and Bipolar Disorder.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

This evaluation involves the assessment of an individual's ability to sustain mental energy and mental effort, executive functioning, and ability to focus and maintain a developmentally appropriate activity level across settings. Information regarding attentional functioning at home, as well as in the educational or work environment, will be gathered in conjunction with the assessment instruments administered.

School Admissions Evaluations and Testing Accommodations

Evaluations are conducted to provide supporting documentation for the justification of accommodations on college board examinations. Evaluations to support the presence of a disability and/or need for accommodations in college are also conducted, as well as private school entrance evaluations.

Preoperative Psychological Evaluation

​The purpose of a preoperative psychological evaluation is to provide the client and the client’s surgical treatment team with information which will assist with anticipating and preparing for the potential challenges associated with significant behavioral and lifestyle changes that are required post-surgery. Emotional and behavioral factors and conditions which may be contraindicative of surgery are identified, and recommendations to address these factors and conditions are provided. Preoperative evaluations are most frequently requested by the surgical staff.