Political Party Registration: How to Register a Political Party in India?

Politics plays a significant role in every country’s development and progress, and it is an essential responsibility for every citizen to contribute to its growth.

Political Parties are registered entities that tend to contest elections and participate in policymaking decisions that reflect the country’s best interests.

Political party registration in India is the first step towards making a real difference in the country’s governance.

We will discuss the process of registering a political party in India, its significance, and its eligibility criteria.

What is Political Party Registration?

Political party registration is when a group of persons interested in forming a political party must apply to the Election Commission in India.

Political party registration is mandatory under Section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.

According to the act, a political party should not be treated as a political party unless registered under this section.

Political parties play a critical role in India’s democratic process. Political parties are responsible for bringing together like-minded individuals who share similar ideologies to contest elections, form governments, and represent the interests of their constituents.

However, no political party can participate in the country’s democratic process without registering with the Election Commission of India (ECI).

Steps to Register a Political Party in India?

The process to register a political party in India is as follows. Firstly, you need to decide on a name and symbol for the party.

Once you have done that, you need to apply along with the following documents to the Election Commission of India –

A memorandum of association
Articles of association
Party constitution
Party flag
Party symbol
A statement of accounts of the party
An affidavit by the party president or secretary.

How do you register a political party in India?

Political parties are the foundation of the democratic process in India. Without them, there would be no competition among ideas, policies, and ideologies.

Hence, it is crucial to understand how one can register a new political party in India, as a party needs to function within the framework of the Constitution and other laws.

Everything You Need to Know About Political Party Registration in India?

Political parties have become an integral part of the Indian political system. These parties represent the citizens’ political beliefs and opinions and work toward the betterment of the country.

However, it is essential to register a political party in a country like India, where the political system is tightly regulated.

We will discuss how to register a political party in India and other important information related to political party registration.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be registered as a political party in India, a group of individuals must fulfill specific criteria, such as having ten founding members who are registered voters, a valid PAN card, and a bank account.

However, it is essential to ensure that there is no other political party with the same name or symbol.


The political party should have a registered office with proof of ownership or lease agreement, and the premises should be open for inspection by the district magistrate, the Chief Election Commissioner, or any other authorized officer.

Application Process:

The application process involves Form-1A, which can be obtained from the Election Commission of India or the official website. In addition, the party must deposit a nominal fee of Rs.10,000 in the Reserve Bank of India’s account.

After submitting the form and documents, the party must also furnish a declaration on a non-judicial stamp paper, stating that the rules and regulations of the Constitution and the Election Commission of India are duly adhered to.

Verification Process:

After the documents are submitted, the Election Commission of India examines the application, checks on the documents’ validity, and verifies the party’s criteria. The party members should not have a criminal record, and there should be no objection from other political parties.

Parties Registered with Similar Names:

If another political party is registered with a similar name or symbol, the new party must ensure that it does not follow the existing logo, flag, or character. In disputes, the Election Commission of India will intervene and decide.

Political Party Registration: How will the political party in India work?

Political parties play an essential role in Indian democracy. They are the vehicles through which individuals can voice their opinions and concerns and work towards shaping their communities and societies in the direction they believe is best for the country.

If you are interested in starting your political party in India, you may wonder how to register your party. We will take you through the steps you must follow to write a political party in India.

Choose a Name for Your Political Party.

Before registering your political party, you must choose a name for your party. This name must be unique and cannot be similar to the name of any other registered political party.

You should also ensure that your party’s name is not offensive or obscene. Once you have decided on a word, you can move on to the next step.

Formulate a Constitution for Your Political Party.

The next step in registering your political party is to formulate a constitution. This document outlines the fundamental principles and rules guiding your party’s functioning.

Your Constitution must adhere to the guidelines prescribed by the Election Commission of India. The guidelines for political party constitutions are on the Election Commission’s website.

Get Signatures from Your Founder Members.

To register your political party, you need at least seven founding members. These members should be Indian citizens who are eligible to vote.

You will need signatures from all seven members on your party’s Constitution and a memorandum of association.

This memorandum of association is a document that outlines your party’s objectives and membership terms and conditions.

Apply for Registration with the Election Commission of India.

Once you have your Constitution, memorandum of association, and signatures from your founder members, you can apply for registration with the Election Commission of India.

You can download the application form for registration from the Election Commission’s website.

This form requires you to provide details about your party, its objectives and principles, and the details of the founder members. You will also need to pay a registration fee of INR 10,000.

Wait for Approval from the Election Commission of India.

After you submit your registration application, the Election Commission will scrutinize your documents and application to ensure they comply with its guidelines.

They may also ask you for additional information or documents if they need any clarification or corrections in your application.

If your application is complete and satisfies their guidelines, the Election Commission will approve and register your political party. You will receive a certificate of registration, valid for five years.


Registering a political party in India may seem daunting, but it is necessary if you want to participate in the country’s democratic process.

Following the steps outlined, you can successfully register your political party with the Election Commission of India.

Remember that your party’s Constitution must adhere to the Election Commission’s guidelines, and you must have at least seven founder members who are Indian citizens eligible to vote.

Registering your political party may take some time and effort, but it is essential to making your voice heard in Indian democracy.

In conclusion, registering a political party is an essential task that requires meticulous planning and legal support.

The process is detailed and time-consuming; a party’s success depends on thorough preparation.

Nonetheless, registering a political party is a crucial step in serving the nation and leading it to progress, and it is an opportunity that everyone should aspire to.

With this, we hope it serves as a helpful guide to those interested in registering a political party in India.

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