Mathematica -> making multiple variables in one go?

In summary, the conversation discusses how to create multiple variables in one go and how to dynamically declare them without having to explicitly type them out. The solution involves using loops and programmatically constructing the variable names. Additionally, the conversation also touches on how to create parameters and variables for a nonlinear fit, where the number of objects may vary. The solution is similar to the previous one, by programmatically creating the names for the parameters and variables. Clearing any previously assigned values may be necessary before using this method.

[ANSWERED] Mathematica -> making multiple variables in one go?

Ok so let's say i know how many variables i want:

and then i want to create 5 different variables, say X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 based on some formula, say:

but i want this creation of variables to be done automatically, without me having to explicity type out and declare X1, X2, X3. separately.

is this possible?

I really need to know, because say i want numberofvariables = 200, it would be a pain to have to separately declare X1 through X200.

thank you so much.

(Note: this is a radically simplified version of what i am doing. there is not need to substitute a different method to solve the above problem, i just need dynamic variable declaration?)

Last edited: Sep 12, 2011 Staff Emeritus Science Advisor Gold Member Are you really, really, really sure that you can't use variables such as x[1], x[2], x[3], . ?

Oh i was able to create a For loop and assign X variables like that. works

thank you very much Hurkyl


You can also construct the Xi symbols programmatically:

Do[Evaluate[Symbol["x" <> ToString]] = 5 + i^2, ]


I sort of have a similar issue.

So if I was to do some nonlinear fit of N objects (x1 through xN) with parameters A for each, A1, A2, A3 . AN, but the number of objects is dependent on what data I'm looking at. Is there some way to generate those parameters/object labels depending on the number of objects I have?

So if I write:
NonlinearFit[data, formula, , ]

I can create the formula by joining strings together and then converting to an expression, the problem I have is somehow including the A1. AN parameters and x1. xN variables given some N.

Thanks for any advice, this has been bugging me the past year.

Bill Simpson

Create the parameters and variables almost the same way you create the formula.

(* now look at the result *)

Then you can write

NonlinearFit[data, formula, params, vars]

Just make certain you have not previously assigned values to any Ai or xi.
If you have assigned values to any of those you may want to look at Clear[].

Hellomyfriend Thanks! That's exactly what I needed.

FAQ: Mathematica -> making multiple variables in one go?

1. How can I create multiple variables at once in Mathematica?

To create multiple variables at once in Mathematica, you can use a single Set (=) operator and separate the variables with commas. For example, to create the variables a, b, and c with initial values of 1, you can use the code: a,b,c = 1.

2. Can I assign different initial values to each of the variables when creating them in one go?

Yes, you can assign different initial values to each variable when creating them in one go. Simply use the same format as before, but include the desired initial values after each variable name, separated by commas. For example, to create the variables x, y, and z with initial values of 1, 2, and 3 respectively, you can use the code: x,y,z = 1,2,3.

3. Is there a limit to the number of variables I can create in one go?

No, there is no limit to the number of variables you can create in one go. You can create as many variables as you need, as long as they are separated by commas and have corresponding initial values (if desired).

4. Can I create variables of different data types in one go?

Yes, you can create variables of different data types in one go. Mathematica is a dynamic language, meaning it can handle different data types without explicit declarations. So, you can create variables of different data types (e.g. integers, strings, lists) in one go, as long as they are separated by commas.

5. How can I check if my multiple variable creation was successful?

To check if your multiple variable creation was successful, you can use the command "Names" to list all the variables currently defined in your Mathematica session. If your newly created variables appear in the list, then the creation was successful. You can also use the command "Print" to display the values of your variables, or use them in any further calculations or operations.