Cambridge no previous uk visa declaration form

If you require a student visa for study, you must receive a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from the University of Cambridge before making your visa application.

You do not need to submit the CAS statement with your visa application; however, you will require the information on your CAS statement to complete your visa application form.

The CAS statement is prepared by the Postgraduate Admissions Office using information provided in your application form and uses the passport and previous UK visa information you have provided.

You must ensure that you upload a copy of your most recent passport, as well as copies of any current UK visa and/or previous UK study visas, using your Self-Service account.

When will I receive my CAS?

We can only issue your CAS once you've met all of the conditions of your offer (including both academic and financial conditions), and after your admission is showing as confirmed on your Self-Service account. You should therefore aim to meet the conditions of your offer as soon as possible.

For courses starting in Michaelmas Term (October), you should expect to receive your CAS in June.

Does the CAS expire?

The CAS must be used with your visa application within six months. You should ensure, however, that you apply for and obtain your visa in good time to be able to arrive in Cambridge for the start of your course

How do I check the progress of my CAS?

A summary of the progress of your CAS, once issued, can be tracked via your Self-Service account under 'UK immigration details'.

Receiving your CAS

Once assigned, you will be sent your CAS statement by email. If you have applied through the Postgraduate Admissions Office, it will also be available in your Self-Service.

Once received, it is important that you check through the details carefully to ensure the information is all correct.

If you believe your CAS contains any errors or omissions or needs to be updated, contact the Postgraduate Admissions Office immediately. Any revisions to the CAS would need to be amended prior to you making the visa application.