Diversity Business Enterprise Program

MDHA works to provide minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises with fair and equal accessibility to all its procurement opportunities. Collectively we refer to these businesses as Diversity Business Enterprise (DBE). MDHA is committed to increasing DBE participation in all aspects of its contracting and purchasing programs, including but not limited to procurement of equipment, construction and development projects, and professional services.

Diversity Business Enterprise Policy

It is the policy of MDHA to assist provide minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises in their aspirations of viability and growth, which support a more stable economic community. To this extent, we join with community agencies and organizations that support these businesses to create more significant opportunities for these entrepreneurs to attain mutually beneficial social and economic objectives. Accordingly, minority, women, small and service-disabled veteran business enterprise firms will be given the maximum practicable opportunity, consistent with efficient performance and applicable laws, to compete for and participate in contracts, subcontracts, purchase orders, and other procurement actions. Businesses bidding or proposing on procurements are required to comply with MDHA DBE Policy. MDHA prohibits discrimination against any person or business pursuing procurement opportunities based on race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. MDHA will conduct it’s contracting and purchasing programs to prevent any discrimination and resolve all allegations of discrimination.

Diversity Business Enterprise Directory

The Diversity Business Enterprise Directory is developed to help bidders/proposers in their efforts to identify and outreach to Diversity Business Enterprise (DBE) firms. Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA) collect information from DBEs through the Diversity Business Enterprise Program Registration process.

Contracting with Minority, Women, Small and Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Firms

Contractors and vendors shall take the following steps to ensure that, whenever possible, subcontracts are awarded to minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran business enterprise firms:

  1. Placing qualified minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises on solicitation lists.
  2. Assuring that minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources.
  3. Dividing total requirements, when economically feasible into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises.
  4. Establishing delivery schedules, where the requirement permits, which encourage participation by minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises.
  5. Using the services and assistance of State Small Business Development Centers, SBA Administration, Minority Business Development Agency, and State and local government agencies including community organizations that advocate for minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises.

Diversity Business Enterprise Certifications

Certification ensures that legitimate minority, women, small, and service-disabled veteran businesses benefit from MDHA procurement opportunities. Identifying certified minority, women, small, and service-disabled businesses enable MDHA to evaluate their participation in contracting activity and calculate the percentage of construction and purchases awarded annually to these businesses. MDHA will accept minority, women, and service-disabled business certifications, including small business approvals from the agencies listed below:

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Certifications

Minority group members own, operate, and control at least 51% of the company. Minority groups include the following categories: Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native Indian. We accept MBE certifications from the following organizations:

Women Business Enterprise (WBE) Certifications

Women own, operate, and control at least 51% of the company. We accept WBE certifications from the following organizations:

Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SDVBE) Certification

Service-disabled veterans own, operate, and control at least 51% of the company. We accept SDVBE certifications from the organization listed below.

Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Approval

Small businesses are independently owned and operated, the number of employees or the annual sales volume for the applicable industry shall not exceed Metro Nashville Government and State of Tennessee established limits for small businesses. Therefore, we accept SBE approvals and certifications from the organizations listed below:

For questions regarding MBE/WBE/SBE/SDVBE Certification and Approvals, please contact MDHA Diversity Business Enterprise Program Consultant at: gdavis@simsdiversityconsult.com