Advantages and Disadvantages of Checklist and Rating Scale

A rating scale refers to a device which is used to systematise the opinion concerned with a trait. It is a technique of observation which is defined by Barr as, “Rating is a term applied to expression of opinion or judgement regarding some situation, object, or character. Opinions are usually expressed in a scale of values. Rating techniques are devices by which such judgments may be quantified.

There are four main types of rating scale which are as follows:

1. Numerical Rating Scale

2. Descriptive Rating Scale

3. Graphical Rating Scale

4. The Rank Order Scale

Observation checklist is one of the instruments that is commonly used for performance evaluation. It enables the observer to determine whether a trait is present or not. It includes a list of steps, behaviours, and activities that the observer needs to record during the occurrence of an incident. The observer needs to judge a certain behaviour that has occurred.

It is a simple instrument which consists of a prepared list of expected items of attributes and performances which are checked by an evaluator to record the absence or presence of a trait. Checklists are created by breaking the quality of a product and a performance which denotes the absence of presence of a trait or an attribute which then goes on to be checked by the observer or the traitor.

1. They are easy to administer and the measured attributes can be scored easily. Making a rating scale and a checklist can be a bit time consuming.
2. They can also be used to address a large group of learners.Teachers may face difficulty in adapting this type of evaluation to their teaching methods.
3. They can also be used for quantitative methods. Too many assessments and keeping many records may overwhelm the teacher.
4. The assessment of personal traits, attitudes, and personal interests can also be carried out. Some teachers may not believe the checklists to be a valid and reliable method of learner assessment.
5. They can also be used for performance evaluation as well as for evaluating skills and outcomes. They allow the teachers to make use of it only in a limited manner during qualitative observations.

These are the major advantages and disadvantages of rating scale and checklists in the teaching and learning process.

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